Header Gallery

I occasionally rotate the header image for this blog, and I’m always looking to add new, better ones. Here is a gallery of images that I’ve used as headers in the past (note: I have lots of other upcoming or “draft” headers, but I’m only including ones that I’ve actually used).

“Le mouvement des idées” by Audrey Mousson Dufort and Maxim Bonin, installed in front of the Université de Québec à Montréal. (The lettering is my own Photoshop wizardry.)

“Le mouvement des idées” by Audrey Mousson Dufort and Maxim Bonin, installed in front of the Université de Québec à Montréal. (The lettering is my own Photoshop wizardry.)

Spreepark, Berlin

Spreepark, Berlin, during the Luna Land party of 2010

Across from Revaler Straße 99

Across the street from Revaler Straße 99. I'm pretty sure that's an alternative film shop there.

Revaler Straße 99, Berlin, somewhere near RAW Tempel

Techno Parade, Paris, 2008

Techno Parade, Paris, 2008

Video projection at Mutek, 2008 (Chic Miniature)

Mossa performing at Mutek, 2008

Let me know what you think of these! I’m always interested in feedback.


  1. I’ve just noticed that, at this moment (early March), there are two headers from Montréal, two from Paris, and two from Berlin. I need to grab two from Chicago and two from Toronto, obviously…

  2. I’ve just noticed that, at this moment (early March), there are two headers from Montréal, two from Paris, and two from Berlin. I need to grab two from Chicago and two from Toronto, obviously…

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